Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Editor: Paul Boland -
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Post 7094
  Sea News, Dover
As promised and following along from the previous post, some pictures now of Pacific Reefer leaving Port a few days ago...heading back to the Americas no doubt, on a fine fresh evening..
Here we are...
Pacific Reefer.

A picture below of Majesty of the Seas with tug...just readying for departure a couple of evenings ago. It was a fine colourful evening...lots of colour as she turned and came across the Port, will have pictures of that up next...all being well.
Also in shot of course, the Disney Magic.
You can see the people enjoying themselves on the new pier there,...surrounded by cruise ships.


Tuesday, 30 June 2020 - 06:06
Post 7093
  Sea News, Dover

A sequence there of the Pacific Reefer arriving with us again here in a murky-ish Dover a few days ago...on the 25th to be precise. She came into Port shortly after Majesty of the Seas attracting the same sort of dazzling light as seen in the post below number....7087....although a tad later and a tad murkier.
Have some nice pix of her leaving later that evening...will sort, a bit behind schedule here as you can see..

And now the latest piece from our MP Natalie Elphicke...

Dame Vera deserves special recognition


Dear Mr Boland,

Dame Vera Lynn celebrated our White Cliffs with her famous song for the fighting troops back in 1942. Following her death last week, I have called for Dame Vera herself to be celebrated here in White Cliffs country with a lasting memorial.

The Forces Sweetheart did much for our area. In her later years she played a critical part in our successful campaign to stop our Port from being sold off to the French or whoever. It was her support and visit that helped to boost our local campaign into a national issue. A lasting memorial would be a fitting way to recognise her special contribution and connection to our community.

A "Dame Vera Lynn" building, square, road, statue or other feature would be a welcome addition to the exciting local recovery plans for our area. I spoke about these plans in Parliament last week. We are an area that could see a jobs and business boost from Brexit from the trade and customs opportunities as well as enhanced border controls. I am keen to see this work progress at pace so that we can make the best of the opportunities on offer.

Much progress has been made in recent years to reverse the decline of Dover town centre. Burlington House and the old multi-storey car park were torn down, a new shopping centre rising in their place. Ambitious plans that have been in development for the next stage of our town are now taking firmer shape, plans for a state-of-the-art aerial transport from the Port to the Castle, top class hotel, new marina, revamped Market Square and much more besides.

There is no doubt that the next period will be economically challenging following the pandemic, so getting pounds in our pocket right here and now will be critical. Thats why the Government has already changed planning and licensing rules to accommodate different ways for pubs and other businesses to operate as they are set to re-open within days, as well as given more than ?21 million in cash grants directly to our local small businesses in recent weeks.

Millions of people pass through Dover in ordinary times. Our beaches and world class attractions are a big draw. We must work together over this next stage to find new and effective ways for people who want to earn money to do so. From wedding venues to days out to short breaks, we have so much to offer.

Its why I welcome the decision by the district council to set up a ?2.5 million town centre fund as part of the local recovery plan we have been working on recently. It is vital that we continue to support small businesses as much as possible.

This has been an incredibly difficult time. But if we get the recovery right, I believe our area can continue the progress we were making before the pandemic.

Let us emerge stronger than ever before, flying like bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover.



Monday, 29 June 2020 - 06:55
Post 7092
  Mike J., Dover

Departure of MAJESTY OF THE SEAS for the Solent, dusk Sunday.

Monday, 29 June 2020 - 04:49
Post 7091
  Sea News, Dover
Heatwave ...

Here we have a shot or two of the scorching seafront two days ago. All parking spaces were taken as the beach got busier and busier...well people have to go somewhere in the confused lockdown. Most of the time we dont know whether we are coming or going with the unclear messages from Downing St. As you can see, it was very busy in Dover...but its not quite Bournemouth though, where half a million people hit the blistering distancing went to hell in a handcart...

Picture two is more or less the same thing just zoomed in a bit...

Now...this guy below. Is it a Cormorant...??
well if it looks like a Cormorant, walks like a Cormorant, quacks like a Cormorant ( Cormorants dont quack !! doh! Smiley) then one supposes its a Cormorant.
However the colours look different. Several people were looking so it caught my attention.
Picture a bit forced as yours truly doesn't have the lens for wildlife.
The wet pebbles look good.

Mike's posts below... Smiley


Sunday, 28 June 2020 - 06:16
Post 7090
  Mike J., Dover

The TERRA MARIQUE remained on the DCT on Saturday with no transfers taking place due to high winds.

The forecast for Sunday is not encouraging with winds up to gale force expected at times.
Should be sunny though !

The MTS VICTORY made a brief visit to the Tug Haven during Saturday afternoon before returning to the TERRA MARIQUE.

Sunday, 28 June 2020 - 03:16
Post 7089
  Mike J., Dover

Impressive 'glint sequence from Paul of the recent arriival of the MAJESTY OF THE SEAS & also Friday's arrival from Portland of the MTS VICTORY towing the the very specialised heavy lift/RoRo barge TERRA MARIQUE who has visited Dover before.
Posts 3086, 3092, 3099.

Initially there was a pause as the little convoy waited off the Western Entrance while the pilot boat brought out the crew for the barge before entering via Western & crossing the bay & berthing the barge on the DCT berth.

The barge is here to transfer two large rubber-tyred mobile cranes from the DCT [the old reefer shed in the Eastern Docks] across the harbour to the Western Docks, probably to WD4 or WD5.

As the cranes were to be driven aboard the barge, which is self-propelled & has its own stern door & ramp so that she can load/unload from any suitable quay, timing is critical when the transfer takes place & this is usually done at high water when for a short period there is very little change in the water level.

About an hour before high water [1529] I was on the cliffs, just above the DCT on a very hot sunny afternoon.

Tha actual quayside was obscured by the DCT building but the barge was visible & I watched her come off the quay, under her own power, & manoeuvre herself until she was was stern-on & at right-angles to the quay.

Sid got in on the act of course.

It was then that I lost sight of the barge & Dover in general as the fog rolled in from the west & the temperature dropped like a stone & for the best part of an hour & I caught only glimpses of the barge..

During the fog the MTS VICTORY materialised & hung around nearby but her services were not needed.

The ferries kept coming & going of course & ships whistles could be heard booming out the murk from time to time altho DHB rarely use their own foghorns nowadays, a silence much appreciated by local residents.
There was a particularly irritating high pitched one which went off every ten seconds which is definitely not missed,

When the fog finally cleared & the sun was out again the larger of the two cranes could be seen looking as though it was ready to board the barge, but high water had passed & the water level was dropping again & about an hour after high water the barge was moved back alongside the DCT quay.

The non-loading may just have been tests before the actual transfers which looks unlikely at the moment [1000] as the wind has sprung up considerably from Friday's light airs.

TERRA MARIQUE is not transmitting on AIS this time but the MTS VICTORY is tied up on the DCT this morning, so unless anything happened during the night-time high tide the transfers are unlikely to have taken place yet.

Dunno whether both cranes will cross the harbour together or two trips will be needed.

An interesting operation.

Saturday, 27 June 2020 - 10:34
Post 7088
  Sea News, Dover
A sequence now of tug MTS Victory towing barge Terra Marique into Port yesterday...all happening in between flashing thunderstorms. We understand the barge will be used to carry cargo terminal cranes from one side of the Port to the other … we watch to see what happens... and now the pictures in sequence..

Arriving above there through the western entrance.... time of first pic 08.43..and heading to the Eastern Arm.
AIS is showing MTS Victory at the old cargo terminal.
Thanks to Mike for the info once again Smiley


Saturday, 27 June 2020 - 05:06
Post 7087
  Sea News, Dover
Gold morning. A couple of pictures now of the dazzlingly bright arrival of the Majesty of the Seas yesterday morning at sunrise.
Get your sunglasses now! Smiley
Yours truly was dazzlingly bedazzled as the ship approached out of the sun..difficult but we got we go...

Majesty of the Seas
We are looking across the top of the Cote des Dunes in top shot...those DFDS passengers have a cracking view.

Just need to catch up with these two pix of the Pacific Reefer taken a few days ago,
meant to post them yesterday but with one thing and another....
The reefer made a quick return to Port again yesterday ..will have more pictures...and went to the old cargo terminal again.
Pacific Reefer
Pacific Reefer

Nice collection below from Mike Smiley Didn't catch Santa Helena Mike...
Vic Smiley

ps: just had a gentle tinkle of "When you wish upon a star" from the Disney Magic, still just across from the 'observation tower'

Friday, 26 June 2020 - 07:30
Post 7086
  Mike J., Dover
MAJESTY OF THE SEAS on CT3 on Thursday evening after arriving at dawn from Southampton - she'll be in Dover for a couple of days.

Almost invisble at the RH end of the reefer shed you'll see the bridge pf the coaster SANTA HELENA 1 on WD5 who arrived Wednesday afternoon from Rotterdam to load grain.
Maybe Paul caught her arrival.
Post 5840.

Range safety vessel SMIT STOUR returning down the Wick Thursday dusk after a day patrolling Hythe & Lydd ranges.

The Range Safety craft used to roost in the Tug Haven but recently have been berthing amongst the Tidal Basin pontoons.
Post 6970

Friday, 26 June 2020 - 01:20
Post 7085
  matcham, DOVER (
Thank you, now that I have Mr Cooper as the press officer, it has moved, even all local press know and the D/Mail. Emails now sent to THE PM. Hope they take the story up now, would be great for our port and Dover.SmileySmiley

Thursday, 25 June 2020 - 09:36
Post 7084
  Sea News, Dover
Aurora and the Pilot

Some shots of the pilot leaving Aurora as the ship departed Dover on Tuesday evening. As Mike said she didn't stay long...the P&O cruise ships are very much just in and out now. Time of first picture above there ...18.20 ( twenty past six ) Conditions were very much mist and haze but bright. The ship dazzled...

Will just add this extra one below taken at the same time but no pilot this time.

Yes indeed Mike .. Majesty of the Seas has just returned this morning..a short while ago as I write...05.15 ish

Nice collection below from Mike. Very enjoyable pix there.. Smiley Love the one about the haircut.Smiley

Go for it Vic... SmileySmiley


Thursday, 25 June 2020 - 06:03
Post 7083
  Mike J., Dover

Western Docks 0730 Tuesday about an hour after the AURORA had
arrived from downchannel.
She didn't stay long & after taking bunkers from from the JAYNEE W sailed for Poole early evening.

i hear that the MAJESTY OF THE SEAS is expected back on Thursday.

Catch-up time -
4th.June caught the DAVID CHURCH backing up the Wick to start her day's work, looking all shiny & freshly-painted & mud-free after her refit in Hull - it won't last !

Faversham trawler CHARLIE BOY spent a few days in the Tidal Basin & was photted on 9th.June.

This view at the stern reminded me that I badly need a haircut - roll on July 4th..

Wednesday, 24 June 2020 - 02:41
Post 7082
  matcham, DOVER (
Thank you already a email has gone to our MP. Great weather to photo the port. We will get out soon again and see it all.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 15:35
Post 7081
  Sea News, Dover

Last two pictures of the Pacific Worker above there, taken as she left the Port a few days ago...on...Saturday in fact at approximately 13:00 hours or 1pm if you prefer. She was indeed a striking visitor and very photogenic as you can see from the coverage all around us..

Very bright conditions in the pictures above, but not so below for the gloomy departure of Jaynee W a few days ago. This one almost slipped in and out of Port without yours truly spotting her at all, or indeed spotting as to what she was up to... I guess bunkering duties.. the computer was needed to stretch the potential of the pix below within inches of their life ( lives!)...they were very poor. Hopefully they are marginally better now...

SmileyYou mention two illustrious historical figures below there Vic...Winston Churchill and Walter Tull. Perhaps a letter from you to the 'powers that be' in Westminster might help bring about change. Thanks Vic.


Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 05:38
Post 7080
  matcham, DOVER (
Bring him t0 Dover. The statue of Sir Winston Churchill should be taken down in Westminster and come to Dover overlooking the main sea port in the last war. A lot of his war plans were done in the castle and we would also look after it for everSmiley and he can be replaced in Westminster with the statue of Major Tull of the first world war, first black officer of the army. He was a very good officer and also a very good footballer please read his book.In doing this would help stop what is going on now.Smiley

Monday, 22 June 2020 - 10:02
Post 7079
  Sea News, Dover

As promised there we are above with a picture of the service held on the seafront to mark the death of the 58 Chinese migrants in the back of a lorry 20 years ago this week. A truly sad miserable incident from all those years ago. The service was carried out by the Bishop of Dover the Right Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin on Saturday morning. Also in the shot you can see white-haired Ben Bano who runs an immigrant support unit... not sure if Ben is still a Councillor…

The service was streamed online we understand.

Below we have a pic of the Pacific Worker leaving Port also on Saturday....we will in fact have another pic or two of the leaving moments to follow...

Nice collection below there from don't miss those Smiley

Monday, 22 June 2020 - 06:37
Post 7078
  Mike J., Dover

A hazy Sunday afternoon & the Panamanian reefer PACIFIC REEFER arrives from Paita, Peru & unusually docks at the old DCT, in Eastern Docks.

DOVER SEAWAYS discharging on No.3


Monday, 22 June 2020 - 01:55
Post 7077
  Sea News, Dover
Some more pictures now of the Pacific Worker as she comes into and across the harbour on Thursday morning... looking good. She stayed with us for a few days and left yesterday Saturday around mid-day...will have pictures of that too..

The Pacific Worker

There was a purposely small ceremony yesterday on the seafront at 11.30am to mark the death of the 58 Chinese immigrants 20 years ago this week here in Dover....a very sad incident all those years ago but not forgotten. The ceremony was carried out by the Bishop of Dover. ..I will have a long range picture.

Smiley Thanks Vic. yes the lockdown has been...well long, but glad you and wife are okay. They will be easing the lockdown soon, hopefully, and you two will be able to get out and about and enjoy things a bit more...


Sunday, 21 June 2020 - 07:08
Post 7076
  matcham, DOVER (
Well both my wife and myself still in lockdown been 12weeks now ,so it is great to look what is happing in our great port and the only way to do it is by looking on this great page with very good photo,s so thank you.Smiley

Saturday, 20 June 2020 - 13:29
Post 7075
  Sea News, Dover
Pacific Worker

A couple of further pictures above there of the striking looking Pacific can see her there approaching the port early. Yours truly will have some more pictures to follow along in due course, she is still in port as we speak...
...but just want to catch up with some shots now of Arcadia for record purposes from her recent visit a few days ago...time of first pic 05.26 on June 17...

And a bit later below...Disney Magic, Arcadia and with the ever present David Church dredger just fitting nicely into slot there...

Nice collection below from Mike so don't miss those. Good show re Dame Vera Lynn Smiley

Del with great difficulty I should imagine....but it seems the recent-ish very rough weather caused the problem Smiley

Patrick as long as they don't find 'our' pot of gold...its ours I tell you, after all dem rainbows.. SmileySmiley


Saturday, 20 June 2020 - 06:29
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