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Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Post 89
  howard mcsweeney, Dover
never a dull moment, every type of conceivable vessel in the last few posts and now we have the boom - not heard anything about a pollution scare so could be a dummy run .

Friday, 20 September 2013 - 09:55
Post 88
  PaulB, Dover (

I came across the above at the very last minute. It took place yesterday..time on the clock. To my surprise they had cast a boom across the water at the very western corner of the harbour. There was quite a considerable amount of personnel in place with a number of anti-pollution trucks there and so on. Whether it was a dummy run to see how they would handle such an emergency or whether there was actual pollution I know not. A boom in normal pollution situations is used of course to prevent the pollution from spreading further. As we say though it may all have been a test run. But here we are with the pictures anyway...we may find out more later. Everyone of course is very jittery about pollution these days so lets hope there wasn't a serious or real problem. This is the weekend of Beachwatch too...for all good marine conservationists and volunteers. More info on Beachwatch further down the page.

And now following on from Ed's picture is a further picture of the Ovit, this time leaving late in the day yesterday in the miserable and rough conditions. Out into the open seas she goes. Both tugs gave her assistance.

Thanks for the feedback below Ed. I will direct Chris to it. Best if our top man technical guru Chris looks at it to see if there is a solution.

Friday, 20 September 2013 - 07:38
Post 87
  Ed Connell, Dover
This is the chemical carrier Ovit which was laid up on the Eastern Arm for a day or two and has now departed.

Paul/Chris: Tried to upload this several times before but the new Sea News format was not allowing it. Nothing to do with size, it is the same size as all the others I was trying to upload in the same comment. I reduce them all to 1024x768 and this one comes out at 278KB. The problem was that I uploaded several photos in one comment and then tried to upload several more photos in another comment following immediately afterwards. As they no longer have individual names as on the original thread, but just come up with a number such as IMAGE-1 then the next comment displays the IMAGE-1 from the previous comment instead of the new one which has just been uploaded but has the same name.

Friday, 20 September 2013 - 04:08
Post 86
  PaulB, Dover (
Quite an exciting vessel of immense scale moved slowly down the channel last evening. It was a huge maintenance/crane platform called Hermod and yes it moved slowly and very carefully. In between pictures I managed to go to Tesco and back for the supply of pot noodles and it was still moving at gradual pace when I returned. That explains the difference in light and colours. It weighs more than 75,000 tons and had left Rotterdam heading south to a Spanish port I believe. To be ever so technical about it...'twas a whopper!Smiley

In the picture left above , taken from very very long distance, it is probably still technically in the North Sea. By the time I photographed it on the right above.. evening was drawing in and yours truly's Tesco trip had been completed, and the platform was moving slowly by Dover itself.
This shot above shows the wider view as she passes down the Channel just beyond Dover.

Below we have a last shot of the Astor taken in blazing afternoon light. The Astor left last night about 8pm and the Empress about 9pm. So as the evenings are dark now no prospect of pictures at that point.

Interesting pictures of the underside and thrusters of Dover Seaways there Ed.
The reason some pix are not coming out is possibly because they may be too large.
We have been ironing out small problemos. Nice one Howard.

Thursday, 19 September 2013 - 08:18
Post 85
  Ed Connell, Dover
Try again.

David Church dredging over remains of the removed blockship Spanish Prince.

Chemical carrier Ovit moored on Eastern Arm.

Thursday, 19 September 2013 - 01:04
Post 84
  Ed Connell, Dover
Ships in port in the last couple of days:





David Church dredging over the remains of the removed blockship Spanish Prince.

Chemical carrier Ovit moored on Eastern Arm.

Thursday, 19 September 2013 - 00:48
Post 83
  Ed Connell, Dover
Re the query about stern thrusters on the old Sea News thread. Here are some photos of the Dover Seaways including her previous incarnation as the Maersk Dover.

Stern thruster visible behind propeller tail shaft.

New propellers fitted later to reduce fuel consumption.

The three bow thrusters with the painted markings above.

Close-up of the bow thrusters being examined by the ship's captains.

Thursday, 19 September 2013 - 00:24
Post 82
  howard mcsweeney, dover

some great photos taken this morning, here is one taken from higher up.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 - 19:20
Post 81
  PaulB, Dover (
The tide has helped with the pictures here..bringing the striking Pullmantur Empress higher and better into camera view..

The Astor is also in, see the post below for picture of same and further info.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 - 11:14
Post 79
  PaulB, Dover (
New research from DFDS SEAWAYS shows that people in the South East of England have voted Meatloaf's classic 'Bat out of Hell' as the best summer driving tune for 2013. Despite some hot new releases making the top ten list, old classics have come out on top as the favourite songs to listen to while driving, beating off hits from Rhianna and One Direction.

The survey was conducted by award winning ferry operator DFDS Seaways, which has transported thousands of holidaymakers with their vehicles from the UK to Europe this summer.
If the truth be told, and not a lot of people know this...yours truly did a far bit of rockin and rollin to Bat out of Hell..indeed so. In the old days of course. Saw Meatloaf performing in London at least twice if memory serves. That terrific female he used to sing with used to give him hell in those songs I can tell you...
"stop right there !!"Smiley
And you can see why people even to this day like to blast it out. Great fun.
The picture above shows the DFDS Dunkerque Seaways coming into harbour. This is one of the ferries involved in Ed's story below.

And now calming down from all that a-rockin and a-boppin..two cruise liners in today.
One is the Pullmantur Empress..I dont think this one was scheduled so it took me by surprise,
and the Astor. And here is the Astor arriving a few minutes ago (7.40am approx) on a super calm sea.

Unable to get a good pic of the Empress at the moment, she's an interesting one.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 - 07:45
Post 78
  Tom Austin, London, bright and cool, ever so cool...

Costa Concordia is successfully salvaged - in pictures


Raising Costa Concordia - timelapse video


Well done all. :)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 - 13:48
Post 77
  ColetteB, Dover
Yes indeed PaulB, I'm a little late this time around, the weeks seem to fly by!

Not much of a week though for cruise ships in Dover, well the season is coming to an end so it's to be expected Smiley

Today as we can see from below the Beautiful Amadea is here with a PoC at CT2. I don't remember this one here before, if she was, it must be a while back but I'm sure one of the guys will enlighten us Smiley

Also the familiar Braemar is now at CT1, T/R.

Tomorrow, 18th September, the Astor cruises in for a PoC at CT2, she was last here in May.

No cruise ship then until Wednesday September 25th when the Carnival Legend arrives back at CT2, T/R for the last time this season Smiley

That's all for now folks Smiley

Ed, Awesome photos Smiley

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 - 09:49
Post 76
  PaulB, Dover (
The ships are just about catching the early light as they come into harbour these days now that Autumn is here. The days are truly getting shorter..with light coming off at each end. Today the newly arrived Amadea just caught the early light and posed for us under a blazing sky. Not a hugely familiar visitor but I seem to remember her from the past. She is a smaller ship but with a modern look. Now also arriving as we speak is the much travelled and familiar Braemar. See more info on the Braemar over the page. So another double header of ships today - plenty of visitors for the town again.

News is coming through that they have righted the once magnificent Costa Concordia..all 116,000 tons of her. That took some doing. Inch by inch they slowly slowly pulled her upright. I believe the process is called parbuckling and so far, according to one pundit on TV, the operation has cost in excess of half a Billion pounds. Some bill eh! But well done them for making spectacular progress.. I'm sure the vessel lying there on its side at Giglio must have given something of a bizarre tourism boost to the local economy. See also the posts below.

ColetteB if you are looking in dont forget your cruise listingSmiley
Still gobsmacked with those pix from Ed below. Have added a headline at top of page. Smiley

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 - 07:27
Post 75
  JanT, Dover
Crumbs Ed some great pictures there, it certainly looked like pretty hairy conditions. Smiley
also good to see you on sea news Tom.Smiley

Seeing the picture of Concordia it just shows us what a huge job it is to get it upright again.

Monday, 16 September 2013 - 15:33
Post 74
  PaulB, Dover (
Wow! great set of pictures were the man on the spot for real there. Yes indeed conditions were terrible late yesterday so a tough ask for all concerned. Really and bravely in the teeth of the gale there and no mistake. The pictures tell the story.


Thanks for the info re Concordia Tom. All seems to be progressing there slowly.

Monday, 16 September 2013 - 14:53
Post 73
  Ed Connell, Dover

The Dover Seaways was involved in an incident at 1800 last night in the approaches to the Dunkerque West fairway. It was blowing a gale and raining heavily.

Dunkerque Seaways had just left Dunkerque West and reported seeing the kite from a kite surfer board in the water. The French rescue helicopter and lifeboat had been scrambled to investigate.

As we approached this area on the Dover Seaways, the navigator spotted a black shape in the water which could have been a person or body in a black wetsuit. We reversed course and cleared the fast rescue craft ready for launching.

As we came up to the object, the helicopter appeared with the lifeboat not far behind so it was unnecessary to chance launching our fast rescue craft in the prevailing conditions.

Here is a sequence of photos of the incident, unfortunately all rather blurry as taken in the driving rain, the latter four through the Bridge windows.

Helicopter passing along starboard side.

Diver descending from helicopter.

Diver ascending again after retrieving object.

Diver with object which transpired to be just a pair of chest waders!

Diver re-entering helicopter.

We were then released from standing-by and resumed our passage. The object in question was just a pair of chest waders probably lost overboard from a fishing boat. However, the incident was useful training for all concerned and went very smoothly.

Monday, 16 September 2013 - 12:47
Post 72
  Tom Austin, London, bright and cool, ever so cool...
This may be of interest to all you ex- and budding marine engineers...

"Costa Concordia: salvage teams attempt to right cruise ship - live updates"

(As well as textual live updates there is a live video feed.)


The cranes are taking the strain as I type.

Please remove the brackets around the 'http' of the web address. Smiley

Monday, 16 September 2013 - 10:20
Post 71
  PaulB, Dover (
The big global sea news story today monday is the attempted salvage of the doomed Costa Concordia. The huge and spectacular cruise liner ran aground off the Italian coast in headline grabbing horror, packed as it was with passengers aplenty. Most managed to get off the ship and were rescued safely but 32 people died in dismal conditions. As we understand it only two people are missing, unaccounted for, and these are presumed to be somewhere onboard..lost in the vast bulk of the ship. The ship, according to Alan Johnston of the BBC, is the length of three football pitches and weighs twice as much as the Titanic. So it will be one heck of a job getting this one righted. It will never see service again of course.

As we are all very aware, the magnificent Costa cruise ships are regular visitors to us here in Dover. Only a few days ago the stunning Costa Pacifica was in further down the page ( ah ! on PAGE TWO ). But here we are today with a picture of the Costa Concordia lying on its side just off the Tuscan island of Giglio..good luck to the salvage people.

Monday, 16 September 2013 - 06:33
Post 70
  PaulB, Dover (

BEACHWATCH:If you fancy joining in and doing your bit for nature and the marine environment generally, then please read on...

Port Supports Community Role in National Beachwatch Big WeekendSmileySmiley

The Port of Dover is sponsoring the annual Shakespeare Beach survey and beach clean as part of the Marine Conservation Society's (MCS) Beachwatch Big Weekend. Organised by the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership, the organisations will be jointly carrying out a marine litter survey and clean-up on Sunday 22nd September. Last year’s Shakespeare Beach clean was a resounding success being the second most popular beach clean with around 8,000 items of litter collected. This year, the organizers hope to welcome even more volunteers looking to play their part in keeping this local beach clean and safe.

Paul Sampson, Partnership Ranger, White Cliffs Countryside Partnership, said: "The beach clean and survey helps us and the MCS to find out what type of litter is making its way by sea to this part of East Kent as well as give the shingle beach a deep clean."

Vicki Jago, Environmental Manager, Port of Dover said; "The beach clean and survey is a fun event for all the family with prizes awarded at the end of the day, but it is mainly about us all showing our commitment to our community in keeping such valued community assets clean and safe for everyone, including the wildlife that calls Shakespeare Beach its home."

This is the fourth year that the Port of Dover, along with the WCCP, will be joining hundreds of other Beachwatch events taking place throughout the country.

* *

Good to see the Port now sponsoring this event. Seafrance used to sponsor it and a year or two back sent me the picture of the gull shown. As you can see the poor thing is wrapped in fishing line and would be unlikely to survive in a normal situation. This one will be pleased to hear.. was rescued by the volunteers.
Well done the volunteers and well done the sponsors. If you fancy volunteering for the day .. well its all happening next Sunday on Shakespeare Beach. Enthusiasm is all that is needed to help conserve the local marine environment as all of the necessary equipment is provided.

There is a picture of the Beachwatchers on, our overall frontpage. Click on the link left and click on the picture there and it will enlarge in all its glory.

Sunday, 15 September 2013 - 07:23
Post 69
  PaulB, Dover
Great postcard that Ed of the Deutchland. always great to see those pictures of former times..which are often a revelation to yours truly. Fascinating to see the way the Prince of Wales pier was used in those old days. Have enjoyed the pictures previously from yourself and Scotchie too in the past.

Yes indeed the good oul Columbian Navy are well off their usual haunt...perhaps trying to enforce a new fishing limitSmileySmiley ??

Here now with some pictures of the Port's Pilot in action. He quietly almost unseen guides all those mammoth cruise ships safely out of harbour and into the Channel every time and wow has it been a busy time for him lately. Here he is doing the necessary with the MSC Magnifica on thursday evening..

These pictures are hugely zoomed in so quality not the same as they would be if said Pilot was standing next to me having a cuppa tay...but here we go..

You can see above the tiny door in the side of the ship at waters edge..and whats that..a state of the art rope ladder..Smiley

and away we go

under the huge nose ( bow) of the MSC Magnifica

and now with an earlier wider view. You can see the pilot door at the side of ship..this last picture shows the situation prior to him leaving the Magnifica.

Saturday, 14 September 2013 - 06:48
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