Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Editor: Paul Boland - dover7@msn.com
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Post 175
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Great work with the new camera there Ed, totally atmospheric. They came out extremely well considering it was a late nighter. Smiley
Familiar friend The Braemar is in today..still working hard. Just the occasional Fred Olsen ship coming now on the cruise front.

Monday, 14 October 2013 - 07:48
Post 174
  Ed Connell, Dover
Cargoship Esmeralda preparing to depart from the Dover Cargo Terminal last night. Nothing special but thought I would try out my new camera at night and it turns out that it produces useable images without having to know any clever stuff about apertures and what not.

Monday, 14 October 2013 - 04:32
Post 173
  JanT, Dover
Our weather certainly has changed and we see the sun less and less this time of the year, but these cargo ships travel up and down the channel in all kinds of weather.

Sunday, 13 October 2013 - 19:09
Post 172
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
You dont need me to tell you that it has been a stinker of a day weatherwise. Pouring down in grim style all day long today sunday.
But..and the Hallelujah Chorus rang out.. a ray of weak sunshine managed to make it through the gloom a few minutes ago and painted the Dubai Attraction in a wee bit of a glow. I wouldnt say it was blinding sunlight or anything like that but there she is above anyway.
As you can see she is still here and has turned round, presumably on the tide or... since the last picture of it a few posts down.
In the foreground you can just see the Coral Water creeping into shot.

Although the weather has been turbulent it does present the odd photo moment.

Sunday, 13 October 2013 - 17:05
Post 171
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Thanks guys all round - great information as ever.
As promised here are a few pictures of one of these passing ships, pix taken the day before yesterday. We caught a bit of late afternoon sun just off Dover so I grabbed the opportunity while I could...ermm made hay while the sun shone !
It's a ship called the Elbfeeder, by the sound of the name it is probably German and it was en route to Dublin with a hazardous cargo I believe.

First shots show her coming into view as it were..

and now below.. the local small launch approaching Elbfeeder in difficult seas..

and a closer crop of the same picture..

This tricky operation to get the pilots off continued throughout the day yesterday with various ships and even at 10.30pm last night when some of us were thinking of curling up in a warm bed, a similar operation was going on with another ship out there in difficult conditions, and of course in the dead of night.


Saturday, 12 October 2013 - 08:52
Post 170
  Ed Connell, Dover
The Dubai Attraction was making a scheduled call for the harbour patrol launch to take a surveyor out to her, and later return him ashore. Looks like the surveying is taking longer than expected!

As Kevin says, the other ships are just dropping pilots who have been overcarried from North Sea ports as the weather was too bad for them to leave the ships after departure.

Saturday, 12 October 2013 - 07:44
Post 169
  ColetteB, Dover
As there's quite a gap between cruise ships at this time of year I thought I would remind everyone that this coming Monday 14th we see the Braemar return & then a few days later, on Saturday 19th the Black Watch returns to our port. Let's hope that the dreaded Norovirus did not return during this latest trip. Nothing then until Nov 5th.

Amazing Photo MrB of the Calais Sugar refinery sparkling 'shine bright like a diamond in the sky' Freaky backlighting for sure!!!

I bet those guys replacing the all so important lightbulb have never even heard of vertigo! Smiley

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 17:40
Post 168
  Kevin Charles, Dover, Kent
I believe most of the ships coming in close to shore are dropping off carry over pilots from the Thames who have been unable to leave or join their ships due to the weather conditions. Not sure what the crude oil tanker is doing as she is actually anchored. Perhaps a technical problem?

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 16:11
Post 167
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Here she is Kevin, the Dubai Attraction..she has been lingering there for a couple of days.

Glad you enjoyed those Howard, sometimes you get quite freaky backlighting these mornings and it makes Calais stand out.
Not sure what the tanker is doing moored there Kevin...several other large ships have been doing that unusual but reasonably regular thing where they come close to shore to be met by a small boat from Dover. Dont think its the Pilot...might be customs. I think we spoke about this before but for the life of me cant remember the whys and wherefores. Will have more pictures of that in due course.

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 10:58
Post 166
  Kevin Charles, Dover, Kent
Interesting visitor anchored off Shakespeare beach, the crude oil tanker, Dubai Attraction. Shame we haven't got some Dubai weather to go with it!

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 10:33
Post 165
  howard mcsweeney, calais
Great shot of the sugar refinery paul, the colours at this time of the year certainly add the atmosphere to photos.

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 10:17
Post 164
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)

Ah now..isnt it exciting when you reach the top in your chosen profession, when you climb the ladder to the stars...well these guys have done just that, reached the very top in their chosen careers!Smiley

This must be the nations tallest lampost, this towering torch illuminates the entrance to the docks and the busy busy roundabout, and presents a hugely awkward problem when the bulb blows out! But fortunately these guys were on hand and ever-so willing..
.... and clearly able to handle the dizzzzifyingly breathless heights.

As mentioned previously these mornings can be quite spectacular. Yesterday the sky was an odd yellow colour but it produced an entirely visible and shimmering Calais across the water. Clearly seen and photographable from Dover.
Above the 08.15 MFL ferry is heading out to Calais (I cant make out whether its the Berlioz or Rodin), and in the distance, the far distance coming this way, you can see the DFDS Dieppe Seaways moving away from the French Port. The sea was fairly calm at that time but it did bluster up later.

And below the busy Sugar Refinery at Calais Docks.

Friday, 11 October 2013 - 07:59
Post 163
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)


Chairman, George Jenkins OBE, said: "When asking Tim Waggott to step into the role of Acting Chief Executive I was quoted as saying that he possessed "the right experience, qualifications, drive and ability to take this organisation forward together with its customers and community."

Acknowledging the hard work of the entire team at the Port of Dover, Mr Jenkins went on to say: "It is clear to the Board that Tim has now demonstrated his ability to undertake the role on a permanent basis. He has quickly established improving relationships with the customers and the community as well as implementing organisational changes. I am therefore pleased to confirm and congratulate Tim on his appointment as Chief Executive."

Mr Jenkins also paid tribute to the efforts of the Port's many stakeholders in helping the Port of Dover, its customers and community emerge from an unsettling period, stating: "I am sure that with continuing teamwork we will deliver a tangible improvement to both Port and Town in an exciting future."

* *
EXTRA: You can definitely see a refreshing 'new broomism' sweeping through the management at DHB. We featured the other new appointments previously, now to be found on Page 3 so take a look there too. Good luck to Tim Waggott. Interesting times.

Thursday, 10 October 2013 - 07:39
Post 162
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Yes the container ships are very much a part of the Ports super activities these days, and an increasing part too. Here is another set of 'container' pictures taken yesterday. The highly unusual looking Magellan Strait visiting once again. No other ship quite like her as far as we know, apart from her twin that is.. yes the Messina Strait, which has also started trading here. They both began coming regularly quite recently.
Spectacular mornings these...here she is, the Magellan Strait just arriving in harbour with the Dover Strait in the background, being helped as you can just see by both tugboats against a big sky backdrop..bringing probably bananas as Mike mentions there. Yes 26% of the nations bananas come in through Dover. A very healthy food I believe. So there you have it, we are contributing to the nations overall health and wellbeing.
Doughty and Dauntless lending a helping hand to the Magellan Strait as she negotiates a 180 degree turn.

* *


And now a moment for the Port Police who are..
Celebrating 80 years of commitment to the Port and its customers and the community.

The Port of Dover Police has hosted a special celebratory open day for the Port community to mark 80 years of service by the Port’s very own police service.

The event coincided with a recent relocation of the Port of Dover Police’s headquarters to the Terminal Control Building, bringing it to the heart of operations within Europe’s busiest international ferry terminal. Guests, including former Port of Dover Police colleagues, were able to see the new offices as well as the range of equipment used by the Police (such as for forensics, search and transportation) to keep the Port’s 12-13 million customers and its local community safe.

Much has changed at the Port since its police service was established in 1933; the same year that British police first used a radio appeal over the airwaves for help in catching a criminal. The modern Port of Dover Police now has excellent marine capabilities for dealing with issues on the sea waves, courtesy of its high-speed rigid inflatable boat (RIB), call sign ‘Delta 99’. It also has nationally trained specialists in the fields of counter terrorism security and police search designed to meet the needs of a major 24/7 international gateway handling £80 billion of trade each year.

Yet what has remained constant throughout is the Port of Dover Police’s commitment to ensuring a safe and secure Port and the weekend’s celebration was a chance to acknowledge that and to see just how that commitment is met today.

During the opening ceremony, Superintendent Paul Wilczek, Chief Officer of Police at the Port of Dover, said: "There is a long and proud tradition in the Port of Dover Police of serving our Port community. The uniforms may look a little different to the old uniforms we have had on display at our open day, but what lies beneath is still the same absolute commitment to everyone associated with the Port of Dover."

To further mark the anniversary, the Port of Dover, a long-standing supporter of Dover Athletic Football Club, sponsored the weekend’s match.

Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, said: "The work of the Port of Dover Police is fundamental to the success of the Port of Dover, to the security of every customer and ultimately to the nation. They are a shining example of what excellent customer service is all about and I am delighted to mark this 80th anniversary. With the successful work in more recent times of our Neighbourhood Policing Unit in the wider community, it is also fitting that we celebrated the anniversary cheering on our local football team with our friends at Dover Athletic."
Chief Executive Tim Waggott clearly keen to get his hands on a slice of that delicious looking cake. That's PC Martin Dadd doing the honours with the knife.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013 - 07:36
Post 161
  Mike j., Dover
Howard -

Scroll back to 25th.September !

26 percent of the UK's bananas passing thru Dover.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013 - 05:34
Post 160
  howard mcsweeney, Dover
interesting to see the containershps featuring, normally they creep in and discharge at the furthest corner of the dock out of our view and off they go again.

there was mention on this forum a few years back that a large percentage of bananas eaten in this country came via dover, maybe one of our factual posters will fill us in with the correct details?

Tuesday, 8 October 2013 - 20:59
Post 159
  JanT, Dover
The picture below of the cliffs of France, only goes to show how close we are.
And yet another good offer from P&O, for those thinking of heading to Calais even if its only for the day.SmileySmiley

Monday, 7 October 2013 - 17:50
Post 158
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Thanks to P&O for the info on the wine..just come through. See previous post.


P&O Ferries has uncorked a cracking deal for day trippers heading across the Channel this autumn.
Book a Dover – Calais day trip for a car and passengers, with fares from just £24 return,
and collect three free bottles of Piat d’Or white, red or rosé wine on board.

The offer applies to bookings for travel from 4 October to 31 October.
For more information or to book go to www.poferries.com or call 08716 646464.

Monday, 7 October 2013 - 11:11
Post 157
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
The Pride of Burgundy was out of action for just a short time, see the earlier posts, her time away was minimal and amounted to no more than 3 days or so. Whatever the damage was..well it must have been small by nature for sure, as she was fixed and back in the fray in short shrift. Here she is in action over the weekend with a full compliment on board. P & O are currently offering a deal with free wine ( always good!! ). We will try to find out more.

Below we have the French Coast looming large. Visibility was very good in the unusually pleasant weather.

* *
The cargo aspect to the harbour activity seems to increase day by day. We nowadays have an ongoing and steady stream of cargo vessels many with the prefix Star to the name. This one is the Star Standard and here she is arriving on saturday with a full load. They unloaded her into the night for quick turnaround with the slot urgently needed for the next scheduled arrival. It is decidedly all busy busy at the cargo terminal.

Monday, 7 October 2013 - 07:56
Post 156
  PaulB, Dover (dover7@msn.com)
Here we are with a picture of the much loved Astrid moored in Dover Harbour in high summer this year. See the previous two posts below and you can follow up the links for further news. This lovely sailing ship sank off Kinsale not long after leaving us here in Dover. The crew of 30, mostly youngsters, all got off safely thanks to the efforts of the local RNLI and assorted local vessels, salvagers etc, who took part in the rescue.

The Astrid sailing ship in Dover Harbour 2013.

Saturday, 5 October 2013 - 15:59
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