Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Editor: Paul Boland - dover7@msn.com
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Post 7364
  Sea News, Dover
Following along from one Ranger to another...yesterday we had Border Force Ranger, this time we have the Royal Navy's HMS Ranger. You can see this particular Ranger approaching the Port here in Dover towing four dinghies. On the day...just a couple of days ago (November 30)...we understand 426 individuals arrived here with us that day. Once the weather calms down...the arrivals go on...

Friday, 2 December 2022 - 08:19
Post 7363
  Sea News, Dover
The seas were a tad calmer this week after a blustery period, so much of the Border Force team were back in full busy action. The shot above shows Border Force Ranger entering the Port here earlier this week with more channel crossing individuals on board... we didnt zoom in on this one ....

Thursday, 1 December 2022 - 07:00
Post 7362
  Sea News, Dover
Some pictures of Bolette as the ship returns to Port here in Dover on Monday morning...seen here during a brief pause in the unpleasant wet n windy weather, although as we speak it appears to be a bit better....the weather that is.
And below a short time earlier....
Bolette: see also the post below...

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - 08:25
Post 7361
  Sea News, Dover
FRED OLSEN cruise ship BOLETTE at the Port of Dover

The normally ever-present Bolette slipped out on manoeuvres again recently. The ship has been sheltering off Deal by the looks of it...waiting out the rough oul miserable weather, and there's been plenty of that. She returned to Port yesterday Monday 28 November and is now happily back at the Cruise Terminal...that's a recent shot of her above, on a grey day..

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 - 07:54
Post 7360
  Sea News, Dover
Just to follow on from the previous post to add the final shot of the Riley Marine sequence ....

Monday, 28 November 2022 - 07:29
Post 7359
  Sea News, Dover
RILEY MARINE at the Port of Dover.
Riley Marine: Two shots above there of boats from Riley Marine as they move across the harbour on Thursday morning....one towing the other. We believe the one doing the towing is called Dover Guardian although we cant see any names on the boats themselves. They turned into the new marina. Work still in progress there.

Saturday, 26 November 2022 - 07:51
Post 7358
  Sea News, Dover

The early P&O ferry making its way to France as the sun rises over Calais. Pictured just a few days ago while there was a lull in the rain and wind. Looks like one of the Spirits...Spirit of France, Spirit of Britain. If nothing else hopefully the shots of the sun will cheer us up...we were hit with horrendous rain here in Dover last night..wow!
Extra: its 05.20 at the time of writing, pitch dark overlooking the sea, and a little sparrow whistles loudly on the window sill...very unusual. Its more usually the domain of seagulls, pigeons, and occasionally black crows....

Friday, 25 November 2022 - 05:19
Post 7357
  Sea News, Dover

This is a Royal Navy team on Tuesday morning this week shifting dinghies in choppy conditions from the western docks, presumably from the immigration centre there, and moving them over to the new marina and presumably on through there to some kind of storage in the Wellington Dock. They made several runs throughout the morning... obviously there are a lot of dinghies...

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 - 07:24
Post 7356
  Sea News, Dover
Nederland Stream, formerly known to one and all as the often-featured Nederland Reefer, seen here in these pix approaching the Port of Dover in Sunday's blazing sunlight. One of the tugs goes out to greet her arrival in the shot above...while below you can see the vessel with the famous dover7 pier in the foreground. Sounds like a familiar email address there.....Smiley
Nederland Stream and Dover7.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 05:41
Post 7355
  Sea News, Dover
Balmoral also arrived on Friday..a little time after midday... just checking.. yes 12.30 time of pic. Balmoral had much fun greeting fellow Fred Olsen teamster Bolette, in semi-permanent residence here currently, with lots of (mutual) jolly toots. We like a jolly toot!
She left about 11pm Friday night so no chance of further pictures...off on a 14 day round trip.. Portugal, Spain, Morocco.

Monday, 21 November 2022 - 07:47
Post 7354
  Sea News, Dover

DC Orisant again .... working hard at pier WD4. This shot follows along from yesterday's wider pic in the previous post, essentially just a closer view of the dredger in action, taken roughly at the same time on Friday (11.50 am).

Sunday, 20 November 2022 - 07:34
Post 7353
  Sea News, Dover

The familiar dredger DC Orisant paid us a fleeting visit yesterday Friday 18th...you can see the vessel above there offloading gravel on pier WD4 with the resting Fred Olsen Bolette in the background. We were hoping to get further shots of the dredger but she was gone all too fast...they certainly work fast. But here is an additional shot from a previous visit as compensation....

Dredger DC Orisant

Saturday, 19 November 2022 - 08:03
Post 7352
  Sea News, Dover
These pictures show chemical tanker CoastalWater a few days back. You can see her here as she approaches the Port in fairly awful windy damp conditions. The pictures are not our finest quality, but they just about some up what the weather was like over the past few days...past few weeks even... you wont need to be reminded!


Friday, 18 November 2022 - 07:22
Post 7351
  Sea News, Dover


speaking after the announcement of Suella Braverman's deal with the French Authorities ...

"The deal announced with France today falls short of what’s needed. It doesn’t match the scale or urgency of the small boats crisis, or the increased risk of loss of life as Winter approaches.

What’s needed is a step-change in approach with joint border patrols and a Channel-wide joint security zone.

It’s only when migrants and people smugglers alike know that they can’t succeed in crossing the Channel in a small boat that this crisis will come to an end."

Natalie Elphicke MP

* *

...it's unusual to see the Tories breaking ranks but there we are...difficult times require difficult measures...
See also below....

Wednesday, 16 November 2022 - 15:14
Post 7350
  Sea News, Dover
The picture shows the Search and Rescue Lifeboat arriving at the Port over the weekend and as you can see its packed with yet more migrants. The BBC are reporting that on the aforementioned weekend, we actually passed the much touted 40,000 incursion figure for the year. Who knows, maybe person number 40,000 is in this picture. In the meantime, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has signed a new patrolling-deal with France promising us all a solution to the dangerous crossing game. We wont hold our breath however. Refugees need a fair system to enter the UK legally.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022 - 06:45
Post 7349
  Sea News, Dover
Harking back a few days now to Friday the 11th and we see refrigerated cargo ship Green Crystal departing the Port of Dover, heading out into choppy seas after her visit here. You can see the pilot just moving way there in shot two. Green Crystal ... beginning her journey to Harlingen in the Netherlands.

Monday, 14 November 2022 - 07:31
Post 7348
  Sea News, Dover
Following along from yesterday's pic ...as promised, another shot of the Dover Strait sunrise this week....
with the ferries further along...
Sun rising English Channel ....


Sunday, 13 November 2022 - 08:25
Post 7347
  Sea News, Dover
The sun rising behind Calais a few days ago..there was just the briefest band of clear sky in between the hanging heavy black cloud and when the sun powered through, we snapped away with the ol Nikon. You can see the buildings in Calais above there and the very early ferries coming our way...we have other pictures but opted for this one, we may be able to add another dazzling image later... I know...the excitement... !

Saturday, 12 November 2022 - 07:16
Post 7346
  Sea News, Dover
Cllr Jan Tranter, former Mayor of Dover, with Admiral of the Fleet Lord Boyce. Picture taken at a charitable event in June 2006. Sadly both have recently passed away. Jan in May this year (2022) and now Lord Boyce November 6 (2022).
Picture: Paul Boland

* *

The Chairman of Dover District Council, Cllr Mike Conolly, has sent condolences on behalf of the district to the family of Admiral of the Fleet The Lord Boyce KG GCB OBE DL who sadly passed away on 6 November 2022.

Lord Boyce had been a familiar figure in the district since his appointment in 2004 as Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, and Constable of Dover Castle. Dover and Sandwich are both Head Ports whilst Deal is a Corporate Limb of the historic Confederation of the Cinque Ports. Walmer Castle is the official residence of the Lord Warden.

Cllr Conolly said: "Many of us got to know Lord Boyce through his unstinting dedication and service to the Cinque Ports, and his support of the local community, charities and voluntary organisations.

"The Cinque Ports are known as the 'cradle of the Royal Navy' and as the first naval officer to hold the post of Lord Warden since the seventeenth century, Lord Boyce brought a uniquely professional perspective to the role as a former submariner, First Sea Lord, and Chief of the Defence Staff.

"He was also a true gentleman who took a great interest in local matters. He will be sadly missed across the district and the wider Cinque Ports community."

Wednesday, 9 November 2022 - 07:26
Post 7345
  Sea News, Dover
As mentioned previously, Bolette is forever busy shuffling about...the pic above sees her moving away from cargo pier WD4 on Saturday, with AIDAsol behind her to our right already on Cruise Terminal Two. Bolette moved over to Cruise Terminal One. But it was a short lived 'adventure' as this very morning (Monday) she shifted back to the Eastern Arm...there's obviously some rough oul weather coming...hold on to yer hat!

Just catching up briefly below with Hurtigruten Expedition's Maud, she is still a regular feature here in Dover before her exhilarating adventures to the exciting North... pictured here as she set off last Thursday....

Monday, 7 November 2022 - 15:48
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