Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Sea Pictures from Dover.

Sailing Ships just off Dover: Europa above and De Gallant below...

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Editor: Paul Boland - dover7@msn.com
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Post 7283
  Sea News, Dover
Royal Navy: HMS Mersey on Monday this week at Dover

Royal Navy and the Migrant Crises.

Alas the Royal Navy's tenure in the migrant-hectic channel has not been a success story. On Monday when the picture above was innocently taken ( which shows HMS Mersey just off the Port of Dover), record breaking numbers came across the channel right under their nose as it were, employing the usual small dinghys...risking life and limb to all. A total of 1295 came on Monday alone. A record number. Not only has the Royal Navy not been a deterrent, neither has the Governments unloved Rwanda Policy. We support the Royal Navy and what they are trying to do, but it's clearly not their thing ... particularly if record numbers are still getting through. A new policy needs to be found but what that is......well...

Royal Navy: HMS Tyne previously.....

Thursday, 25 August 2022 - 06:47
Post 7282
  Sea News, Dover

As promised that extra pic of Mein Schiff 3 taken late in the day on Monday...see also below....

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 - 20:00
Post 7280
  Sea News, Dover
Another fab cruise ship visiting us from Bremerhaven...well done Bremerhaven keep them coming.. This one is of course Mein Schiff 3 and Dover was first call on a round Britain tour. Picture was taken on Monday evening the 22nd Aug. Although just past mid August the evening was dark and autumnal as she left at 19.35. She is a magnificent but dark ship so keeping her bright in the gathering gloom was our mild challenge. There was some colour left in the sky though.... says he rambling...
We may have another pic to add later.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 - 06:35
Post 7279
  Sea News, Dover

Cruise ship Vasco da Gama arriving at Dover
Vasco da Gama under a big sky....
Vasco da Gama

Yes Vasco da Gama joined us here in Dover on... let me check - there have been so many cruise ships lately...yes on Sunday 21st.... the pictures show her arriving (first pic 07.33). One of the tugs gave her the full spray welcome...we didnt do tug spraying pictures this time as we have had quite a few recently, but a warm ( wet!) welcome was shown for Vasco.....

She had been on a 14 day round trip of UK and Ireland and was making a first call to Dover, hence the spraying..
... she is now back in Bremerhaven, Germany.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022 - 07:03
Post 7278
  Sea News, Dover

"Rumours of my Boycott were greatly exaggerated!....."

A picture above there from Friday morning which shows the newly returned and just back in service Spirit of France completely packed out as she sets off for Calais.... So much for the promised boycott, so much for giving P&O the cold shoulder... its not happening, it didnt happen. There may have been some shock with pundits initially, following the dismal sacking of 800 workers, but its all levelled out again... we're just using the Spirit of France as an example there but other P&O ferries similar, and now, following the latest analysis, the Government are taking no further action re the legalities of the situation...
A close up below of the well packed trucks....

* *

Following along from our 'arty stuff' yesterday of cruise icon Deutschland...
here we are with some actual photographs. First one arriving, second one departing later in the day (Saturday)..
Deutschland at Dover

More on Deutschland below..

A very busy time here in Dover at the moment for Cruise Liners ... Mein Schiff 3 in today...came too early for pix !
But later...will also have pix of Vasco de Gama in due course...

Monday, 22 August 2022 - 06:04
Post 7277
  Sea News, Dover
Following along from yesterdays picture of the gentle rain see below, here we show roughly the same scene one day later. No rain and dramatic sky as we look eastward from Dover Seafront..of course we get special skies to hover over Dover! ...so its worth paying us a visit. Picture taken very early morning 05.56 .....
Below we have a semi-drawing of the smaller and delightful cruise ship Deutschland as she arrives with us yesterday morning Saturday Aug 20 at 07.30 .......

Deutschalnd was/is on a 20 day round trip from Bremerhaven calling at Lisbon, Funchal, Dover etc and further exotic places...

Also in Port yesterday were Maud and a short while earlier Bolette.
Bolette came into port 6pm approx on Friday evening... somewhat unusual timing...

Today Sunday we have a tug-spraying first visit from Vasco de Gama and also in Port today... Carnival Pride...

Sunday, 21 August 2022 - 06:55
Post 7276
  Sea News, Dover
Soft rain on a soft morning. The view looking eastwards from Dover Seafront showing the Premier Inn and the distant White Cliffs in gentle rain. You can also see some of the Eastern Docks behind the Premier Inn which is currently a very busy hotel with the holiday getaway in full flight.
The scorched earth welcomes the rain....

Pictured on Thursday 18th August....

Saturday, 20 August 2022 - 06:42
Post 7275
  Sea News, Dover
A somewhat over congested picture there of the Spirit of Discovery under an approaching very black sky..we expected a thunderstorm but it fizzled. Also in the shot the Seamec Gallant at the main Cargo Terminal WD5. The Spirit of Discovery shown there at Cruise Terminal One. The Seamec Gallant is still with us as we write, but the Spirit has elegantly departed for a 14 day round trip to western France and Spain...
Picture taken a couple of days ago...yes just checked...Wednesday 17th ...

Friday, 19 August 2022 - 06:56
Post 7274
  Sea News, Dover
The hard working dredger CH Horn rounding the new piling platforms in the harbour a few days ago. The dredger is currently working in the Wellington Dock and regularly going back and forth through the new Bascule Bridge and through the new marina. We've had pictures of it previously. The piling of course is to do with the new wave wall and workboat pontoon....
The pic above taken into the sparkling sunlight and the pic below taken later in the day when the sun had 'come round' as it were... not taken on the same day... as you can see the piling platforms have moved along the pier in the second picture.

Thursday, 18 August 2022 - 06:20
Post 7273
  Sea News, Dover
Northern Wave approaching the Port of Dover
Northern Wave
Offshore supply vessel Northern Wave has been working in and around Dover for the past ten days or so...we see her above there approaching the Port's western entrance a short while ago in dazzling conditions...was a bit warm too on the day not that anybody noticed !!
The ever smiling AIDAbella was with us recently too..... always good to see the cheerful AIDA ships.. Bella is currently on a 14 day round trip of Great Britain and Ireland.
Sprit of Discovery back in with us today.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022 - 06:55
Post 7272
  Sea News, Dover
This fabulously magnificent Superyacht called Katara paid a flying visit to us here in Dover on Sunday and we were delighted to see it, as were many onlookers along the seafront. A really striking yacht. Note the helicopter on the rear top deck/helipad...very handy addition there, very handy for nipping to Tesco when Dover's notorious local traffic is at its most...ermmm..notorious! A hugely mega-rich supertoy owned by a middle eastern oil tycoon we understand.

Evening shot there of the now familiar Carnival Pride as she makes her way south/west.
Another one off on an Irish Sea Cruise (9 Day)...seems to be a popular destination these days.
Another pic of the newly arrived Piling Platforms, this time an evening shot with an exciting backdrop...the 'rear end' of the Island Princess as she moves away.

Monday, 15 August 2022 - 06:50
Post 7271
  Sea News, Dover
Spectacular Tug Spraying at the Port of Dover to welcome the cruise ship Island Princess
An extra pic above there of the tug (Dauntless) brilliantly spraying for the inaugural visit to Dover of the magnificent Island Princess....
see more below...

Saturday, 13 August 2022 - 09:04
Post 7270
  Sea News, Dover
On Wednesday we saw the inaugural visit of the magnificent Island Princess...here we see the tug giving her a mighty welcome. Both tugs did the necessary and quite spectacular it was too...

The pic below shows her leaving later in the day...very impressive and very big.."she's the size of a football pitch" said the guy standing next to me on the seafront. Not sure what size a football pitch is but it sounds about right....
Island Princess moves off later in the day.... off on a 14 day Scottish/Irish cruise...

Sonia Limbrick, Head of Cruise at the Port of Dover, said:

"The Port is delighted to welcome the Island Princess for the first time today (Wednesday), midway through the busy summer cruise season. It’s always a pleasure to host Princess Cruises and we hope that Dover’s offering – including strong transport links, beautiful surroundings and our sustainable credentials - will mean this is the first of many calls by the Island Princess to the Port."

We have had a number of exciting cruise ships in Port recently...today Friday we have another visit from Carnival Pride.

Friday, 12 August 2022 - 06:47
Post 7269
  Sea News, Dover
Just catching up with a picture there from a few days ago....its the striking offshore supply vessel Trafalgar Sentinel photographed just off Dover in the ...and you wont be surprised...blazing heat! That looks like the Irish Ferries' Isle of Inishfree in the background there as she approaches the beautiful French cliffs...
" I will arise and go now, and go to Inishfree...."

Cruise ship AIDAbella in Port today, there has been much cruise ship activity..we will catch up on some cruise shots shortly...

Thursday, 11 August 2022 - 07:59
Post 7268
  Sea News, Dover
Another pic there of the impressive dredger DC Orisant as she is about to pull away from busy Pier WD4...another pic further down page. Now left of course...

Below we see the newly arrived platforms at the end of the marina curve extended pier. These are due to begin piling this week. Notices have been put up along the seafront restricting swimming etc. Check those notices out if you fancy a dip. More info below.
Piling Platforms ...more info just above pic...

And now....A section of the press release from the Port....

This summer, berth holders have been able to enjoy the temporary usage of the new marina in Dover. As Dover Harbour Board continues to build the appeal of the wider waterfront, we want to complete the final construction elements that will enable the permanent use of the new facility.

The next phase of the work is to install piles for the New Marina Outer Wave Wall and the Workboat Pontoons, which will enable safe use of the New Marina for the future.

This work involves undertaking piling works in the vicinity of the Marina Curve Extension for a new Workboat Berth as well as to the north-east of the entrance to the New Marina for the New Marina Outer Wave Wall (NMOWW). A new Marine Management Organisation (MMO) licence and Harbour Revision Order (HRO) amendment have been granted in order to do the works and Knights Brown Construction with Red 7 Marine as their piling subcontractor will be responsible for delivery.

* *

Great cruise ships in today once again... first visit for Island Princess and regular visitor Viking Venus also here
...looking good.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 - 10:15
Post 7267
  Sea News, Dover
Baked Heat
Dover Regatta: The picture above was taken later in the day on Saturday and shows the busy beach and beyond, the crowds lingered 'til 5pm (time of shot) and beyond to see the Lifeboat display but...well.. see the post below...

The picture below was taken early the following morning Sunday and shows the staggering cleanliness after the huge influx. The team cleaning up and indeed the Port of Dover itself did one heck of a job returning it to pristine condition so ultra fast. As we know there is an element of .. ermmm .. urban debris to the human species and to these festival things....but whoosh it was gone, and so fast too.
Dover Beach on Sunday Morn....August 7.
All returned to immaculate spic-and-span after the influx....
see also above

Monday, 8 August 2022 - 15:26
Post 7266
  Sea News, Dover
Dover Regatta: Some of the magnificent yachts from the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club on display Saturday August 6 at the Dover Regatta. In the background we have the Irish Ferries' Isle of Innisheer just arriving from Calais....

But Yes...The Regatta was back. After a lay off of several years it was good to see it again. Instead of coming down along the seafront this time, it was cut in two as it were, with the main section at central seafront and section two at Clock Tower Square. This had something of a muted impact on atmosphere but there we are. A good crowd came to enjoy. There were several displays on the water ( as per yachts above ) but .. disappointingly.. although the Lifeboat guys came they didn't do a dramatic display as they have in previous times. We sat there poised...cameras at the ready.. but nothing happened. At the time we were outside the range of the commentary so...no idea. In former times they did spectacular displays.

Sunday, 7 August 2022 - 06:43
Post 7265
  Sea News, Dover
HMS Mersey: With all the increased illegal activity out there in the Channel here we see the ever re-assuring vision of HMS Mersey patrolling just outside the Port of Dover a few days ago ( August 2 ). A very welcome sight it is too....

As previously mentioned dont forget the Dover Regatta is on today Saturday on Dover Seafront after a layoff of several years.
More info on www.doverport.co.uk

Saturday, 6 August 2022 - 07:39
Post 7264
  Sea News, Dover
The impressive hopper dredger DC Orisant has been in with us a couple of times recently delivering sand/gravel at the hard working dock WD4 and there we have her above pictured a couple of days ago.

Below we have an extra one of the fascinating cable layer Responder. Fascinating ship but somehow hard to photograph, the pictures probably dont do it justice. Here she is below leaving the Port on ...let me check...yes...a few days ago August 1st. See the posts below for more Responder...also news on the Regatta this Saturday.

Friday, 5 August 2022 - 06:21
Post 7263
  Sea News, Dover
There we are with that extra pic of Responder, see also the post below.

Note that the Dover Regatta is on this weekend (on Saturday August 6) after several years lay-off due to the pandemic. Lots and lots of varied activities all day...for more details go onto the Port of Dover website (..and there's an extra link there too showing details and times etc....)


Thursday, 4 August 2022 - 07:50
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